Courage is necessary for change and development. People and organizations need to be courageous, committed, and valiant to accomplish goals.

Valiant Coaching & Talent Development is committed to impacting lives and improving performance. Our primary focus is executive & professional coaching and talent development.

Services are not business sector specific, however, specialization is with service-oriented organizations.

Our Services

Valiant is dedicated to the discovery and clarification of your goals.


Gallup-Clifton Strengths Certified Coach

Career Development  Any business professional. All experience levels.

Executive Coaching  C-Suite, VPs and other Executive Level

Leadership Development  Anyone with leadership responsibilities, aspirations, and/or high potentials.


Customized talent development programs designed to achieve specific goal(s). Area of specialization: Business Development, Sales, and Marketing.


Assessments can offer greater insight into personalities and behaviors. Using assessments in business and personal development are helpful in understanding yourself and others.

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Benefits of Coaching

Valiant Coaching is dedicated to the discovery and clarification of your achievement goals.

Increased Productivity
Improved Self Confidence
Investment Return
Client Satisfaction

Source: ICF Global Coaching Client Study was commissioned by the ICF but conducted independently by PricewaterhouseCoopers.

What our Clients say...

* Testimonials used with permission. Only first names are provided to protect client confidentiality.

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